Rite of Passage: Unidentified Boy (United States, probably late-1920s)

Figure 1.-- Mother had this boy photographed before and after his hair was cut. He is unidentified, bit looks to be about 5-years old, perhaps 6 years. We suspect he was about to begin school. We have no idea where the portrait was taken, but it looks like the late-1920s or early-30s. The shoes in particular look modern like the 1930s, but the rest of his outfit looks more like the 1920s. He had Dutch boy bangs which were cut short to a regular boys' hair cut. Put your cursor on the image to see his new haircut.

Mother had this boy photographed before and after his hair was cut. He is unidentified, bit looks to be about 5-years old, perhaps 6 years. We suspect he was about to begin school. There is no information associated with the photograph such as location and date. We have no idea where the portrait was taken, but it looks like the late-1920s or early-30s. The shoes in particular look modern like the 1930s, but the rest of his outfit looks more like the 1920s. He had Dutch boy bangs which were cut short to a regular boys' hair cut, It certainly changed how he looked. One reader writes that the process may have been traumatic for the boy. We suspect it was more traumatic for mother. The boy wears a button-on short pants suit. We might call it an Oliver Twist suit. Note the large collar and string tie.


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Created: 10:55 PM 6/5/2011
Last edited: 10:55 PM 6/5/2011