American Boys' Hair Styles: Stylistic Elements--Length

Figure 1.--Short hair styles were popular with American boys during the 1950s. We suspect that Wotld War II during which many service men had buzz cuts was a factor here, This boy had his school picture taken in 1958-59.

Length is a major factor in hair styling. American boys have generally had short hair for most of the 19th and 20th centuries. At times the hair was cut very short, but usually boys woore their hair long enough to comb. This was, however, not always the case. We note styles varying from short buzz cuts to long shoulder length ringlet curls. Long hair is most associated with girls' hair styles, but there have been periods in which long hair was popular for boys as well. The longer the hair the more different ways it could be styled. Cropped hair could not be styled. Long hair could be styled in many fifferent ways. Length was an important aspect of these different styles, but not at all the only important stylistic factor.


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Created: 2:55 AM 2/15/2007
Last edited: 2:56 AM 2/15/2007