Improved Children's Body Brace and Supporter (1870)

Figure 1.--Linda Spigelmyer of Hartleton, PA, registered a patent for an "improvement in a children's body brace and supporters" on 12 April, 1870. The patent no. is 121,934. Patents seem to have registered by state. Although she calls the garment a "body brace" it is really a sort of canvas bodice or underwaist with lacing in back and buttons down the front.

Linda Spigelmyer of Hartleton, PA, registered a patent for an "improvement in a children's body brace and supporters" on 12 April, 1870. The patent no. is 121,934. Patents seem to have registered by state. Although she calls the garment a "body brace" it is really a sort of canvas bodice or underwaist with lacing in back and buttons down the front. Presumably its stiffness would keep the boy's or girl's body erect and would thus affect posture. It has a strip of tape around the waistline onto which outer clothing could be attached. There seem to be buttons front, back, and sides on the waist band. Two elastic y-shaped hose supporters are attached by buttons on the front of the bodice, and the shoulder straps seem to have buttons for adjustment of size on the front. These would allow for a child's growth. There are reinforcement straps down the front of the waist with what look like buckles or fasteners of some sort. I'm slightly mystified about what these are for. They could be for additional garters or perhaps for attaching skirts or trousers. No age is specified, but boys and girls wore underwaists in the 19th century up until their teenage years--perhaps as old as 16 for girls and maybe a bit younger for boys. Later on, underwaists were usually worn only by younger children (12 or younger), and stocking supporters of other kinds (such as suspender waists) were worn by older boys.


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Created: 12:53 AM 3/18/2007
Last updated: 12:53 AM 3/18/2007