The decoration on pants and trousers to an extent varied with age. Most of what we see comes from the second half of the 19th century/ The really elaborate decoration such as fancy emroidery was just for the younger boys. One decoration that was used for older boys, and even adult men, was a verical stripe on the outer leg of the pants. This was a military style. It seems to have been particularly popular in the 1870s, but we notice examples in the 1860s and 80s as well. We notice embroidery on the pants worn by younger boys. The designs were highly variable, including elaborate floral patterns. Often ghey were continuation of jackety designs. Almost always the pants were only decorated if the jacket was decorated. We do not see decorated pants with plain jackets, but we do see decorated jackets with plain pants. Thesehighly deciorated jackets and pants were normally worn by boys up to about 8 years of age. We also see pre-school boys wearing pants with some deciration in the 20th century. This often involved combination-style pants like coveralls or shortalls and aplique might be used. Yuxedos for adult men are commonly made with stripes.