*** trouser suspension self belts

Trouser Suspensions: Belt Types--Self Belts

Figure 1.--This photograph of an American boy, Frank J, was taken in September 1942. Notice the wide cut. He looks to be about 6-7 years old.

A popular style in the early- and mid-20th century was cpants with self-belts. We first see self-belts in the 1920s. They seem the most popular in the 30s and 40s, but we also see them in the 50s and as late as the early 60s.. There were most common for younger boys on short psnts, but we are not sure just why. They were a practical solution for trouser suspension with young, slmi-wasted boys. They were less cimbersome than suspenders. They were most common in the 1930s-40s. Self-belts were made in the same material and color as the trousers. They were commonly made in sizes about 5-10 years, but we know they were made in sizes up to at least 12 years, perhaps slightly larger. This was a style particularly popular in America. Many were often made as sets with button-on shorts, but they were made for regular shorts as well as long pants. They seem to have been less common for kickers. Pants were made with self-belts in play/casual, school, and dressy styles. A good example of of dressy self-belted shorts are those worn by Jack for his Santa portrait in 1930.


A popular style in the early- and mid-20th century was cpants with self-belts. We do not have a complete chronology yet, but we first see these self-belts in the late 1920sWe notice self-belts during the 1920s-50s. We first see self-belts in the 1920s. They seem the most popular in the 30s and 40s, but we also see them in the 50s and the early-60s.

Pants Types

Self-belts were most common for younger boys for short psnts, but we are not sure just why, probably to hide he buttons used for button-on shots. Many were often made as sets with button-on shorts, but they were made for regular shorts as well as long pants. They seem to have been less common for kickers. Pants were made with self-belts in play/casual, school, and dressy styles. A good example of of dressy self-belted shorts are those worn by Jack for his Santa portrait in 1930.


They were a practical solution for trouser suspension with young, slmi-wasted boys. They were less cumbersome than suspenders and underwaists.


Self belts were not re\guksr leather belts. They were made in the same material and color as the trousers.


They were commonly made in sizes about 3-8 years, but we know they were made in sizes up to at least 12 years, perhaps slightly larger.


One would assume that self-belts were designed to hold up a boy's pants. And in some instances this was the purpose, especially for the older boys wearihng them. We commonly note, however, bots wearing them with button-on pants. A good exa,ple is Wards' little boys outfits from their Winter 1927-28 catalog. Here it was the buttons that held up the pants. The self-brlts served primarily to wear over the buttons. I am not entirely sure why, but think boys like the buttons to be covered over because this madecthem look more like the older boys.

Country Trends

This was a style particularly popular in America.


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Created: 1:29 AM 1/17/2007
Last updated: 1:29 AM 1/17/2007