German Eton Collars: Chronology

Figure 1.-- This portrait of three German children was talen in 189. Both boys wear identical knee pnts suits and Eton collars. The collars look a little smaller and less severe than those worn by Bitish boys at the time. The girl's dress seems rather an adult style.

German boys did wear Eton collars. We are not yet sure about the chronology of the Eton collar in Germany, We are not sure abouthe 1840s. We note them in the 1850s, but only in paintings of wealthy families. are not sure how common they were. We do not have photographic images until the 1860s. Our archive of 19th century images is still quite limited. They seem to hsve been worn in the 1890s, but do not seem particularly prevalent. We think that Eton collars were most common furing the 1890s-1910s. We do not notice them much after World War I in the 1920s. Here are archive is fairly extensive. So we have a fairly good idea about 20th century trends.


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Created: 2:35 AM 6/3/2009
Last updated: 2:35 AM 6/3/2009