As hitherto, girls and boys are dressed alike, as long as they are very small individuals. If any difference exists, it is only in the color or decoration, the dress of the girl being the more fanciful in these respects. This is a happy arrangement both for the comfort of small people and the time and money of the mother who has growing children.
CHILDREN'S COSTUMES: There are two new patterns for the costumes of small people from two to six years old. One of them has its skirt laid in double box-plaits and sewed to an easy fitting under-waist [bodice] that is sleeveless and buttons behind. Its body is jaunty little jacket, that flares from the throat over a shorter vest sewed into its underarm and shoulder seams. The lower front corners of the jacket and vest are rounded off prettily, and the vest is closed with buttonholes and buttons. The back is much deeper than the front and has three finely curved seems that disappear at the top of the underfolded box plaits, the middle plait being double and the ones at each side single. At each front edge of the back skirt is underfolded a backward turning plait, and the arrangements of the plaits imparts a hansom effect to the back skirt. At the neck is a standing collar. The front edges of the jacket front hangs free and may be plainly finished or trimmed with braids, points of velvet, flately applied laces, etc etc; and the box plaits of the skirt may be similarly ornamented. However, if the garment be plainly finished its attractive outline will be sufficient adornment. All varieties of dress goods, including flannels, cashmeres, velvets, silks, Surahs, clothes, surges are adapted to the mode.
Another new costume has its skirt laid in simple plaits and finished with ??? binding at the top. Its pretty body is deep and round, and is laid in three box plaits between two side plaits at the back and front, the plaits being sold to below the waist-line and well pressed in their folds all the way down. The closing is made under the middle box-plait in the back, and the skirt is tacked underneath to the body. A standing collar surrounds the neck. Flat braids or velvet or satin ribbon may be placed upon the waist between the plaits, with the lower edge terminating in loops that are daintily decorative. The wrists and standing collar may have the same finish upon them. Any materials suitable for children's dresses will be found attractive and appropriate made of this pattern.
CHILD's DRESS.-A pretty little pattern for dresses of cotton, pongees, or woolens of tight texture is just published for children from two to six years old. Its upper part is a yoke, that is straight across at the back and is pointed in front. To this is sewed a >>>
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