Traditional German Pinafores: Unidentified Child (1900s)

Figure 1.--Here is a CDV portrait of an unidentified child. While te child is unidentified, we think she is probably a irl. Here her hat and to a lesser extent the necklace are valuable clues. It is a little difficult to differentiate netween the dress ans pinafor because thaey both or white or a very ight color. Without the ha we would have been unsure about the gender. The pinafore has woide ruffled shoulders. The dress has large puff sleeves.

Here is a CDV portrait of an unidentified child. While te child is unidentified, we think she is probably a irl. Here her hat and to a lesser extent the necklace are valuable clues. It is a little difficult to differentiate netween the dress ans pinafor because thaey both or white or a very ight color. Without the ha we would have been unsure about the gender. The pinafore has woide ruffled shoulders. The dress has large puff sleeves. Notice the beach sceen, perhaps thst figured into the girl wearing the pinafore and straw ha\t for the portrait.


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Created: 6:06 PM 4/16/2010
Last updated: 6:06 PM 4/16/2010