*** boys' tunics: English Norfolk style

English Boys' Tunics: Norfolk Styles

English Norfolkn tunics
Figure 1.--Here we see a portrait of an unidentified English family. It is an undated, post-card back pjotograph. The dealer called it an Edwardian image. It was probably taken in the 1910s just after the Edwardian Age, meaning King Eward VII's reign (1901-10). The children look to be about 3-11 years old. The midle child looks to be anout 7-years old. He wears a tunic with classic Nofolk styling along with short pants and knee socks. The photographer was the Novelty Studio in Plymouth. It was a 5.5 x by 3.5" postcard with a white border.

We notice some tunics done with the same styling elements we see on Norfolk jackets. We see both belts and vertical elements. Only the boy is wearing a tunic rather than a jacket. They may have front buttons, but they look more like decorative elements than actual button closures. It is hard to be sure from just a photograph. These tunics look a little like a collar bittoning jacket, but more like a tunic. We have not found many examples of these tunics, but we have found a few. They seem to have been popular in the early-20th century.


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Created: 1:16 PM 3/7/2019
Last updated: 1:16 PM 3/7/2019