German Boys' Tunics: Styles

Figure 1.--This German boy wears a tunic suit with kneepants. This was quite common in Germany. Image courtesy of Albumn.1900.

A tunic suit was composed of both a tunic and matching pants. This was the basic tunic suit outfit. Some of the tunics are similar to those worn in American and other countries. While many of the tunics are similar, the pants worn by German boys appear to be somewhat different. We note that were worn with kneepants and bloomer knickers. In other countries the tunic suits almost entirely with bloomer knickers. I am not sure what type of headwear would have been worn with these tunics. A few images show these suits being worn with bows, but this was less common than in most other countries. We also note many children wearing them with long stockings. During the summer socks were more common.

Basic Garments

A tunic suit was composed of both a tunic and matching pants. This was the basic tunic suit outfit. Some of the tunics are similar to those worn in American and other countries. While many of the tunics are similar, the pants worn by German boys appear to be somewhat different. We note that were worn with kneepants and bloomer knickers. In other countries the tunic suits almost entirely with bloomer knickers.


Some of the tunics we have noted Germn boys wearing are similar to those worn in American and other countries. We note some with wide white rounded collars. Others had square collars, I'm not sure about the back flap. The tunic part of these outfits look rather similar to the tunics worn in other countries. The length of the tunic varied. The ones we have noted in the the early 20th century were usually well above the knee. Those worn earlier tended to be somewhat longer. All the ones we have noted were worn with belts.


While many of the tunics are similar, the pants worn by German boys appear to be somewhat different. We note that were worn with kneepants and bloomer knickers. In other countries the tunic suits almost entirely with bloomer knickers, commonly above the knee knickers. Many of the German images we have noted shows boys more commonly waing kneepants.

Other Garments

I am not sure what type of headwear would have been worn with these tunics. A few images show these suits being worn with bows, but this was less common than in most other countries. We also note many children wearing them with long stockings. During the summer socks were more common.


We are not sure what kind of headwear German boyswore with tunic suits. We note American boys often wore different styles of sailor caps with tunic suits. We do not yet have any images of German boys wearing tunic suits with headwear and thus are unsure about what they wore.


A few images show these suits being worn with bows, but this was less common than in most other countries. This was relativly common in America, but we note relatively few example of this in Germany. The boy in the image here wears what looks like a large red bow that was worn with a dark blue or black tunic suit (figure 1). This is a rather large clasically tied bow.


We also note many children wearing them with long stockings. During the summer socks were more common. The long stockings are usualy dark. The socks are usually white.


Many of Grman images we have noted show boys wearing high-top shoes with tunic suits, usually dark shoes. e have also less commonly noted hite shoes.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: December 17, 2002
Last updated: December 17, 2002