** United States tunics age 7

American Tunics: Age 7 Yearss

Figure 1.--Here a hand written inscription on the back reads: "Detroit Mich. 17 Gardoni My little boy Stanly when he was 7 years & one month taken March 30/1918." This looks to be a outfit Stanley may have worn to school.

We note a substantial decline in the number of American boys wearing tunic suits at age 7 years. This would mnean 2nd grade. The number of imafes er have found in the photographic record is substantially redfuced. We still see sdome, but not very many. nd we see this reflkected in the sized offered in mail,order catalogs. Here we see a boy wearing a tunic suit in the sailor style (figure 1). A hand written inscription on the back reads: "Detroit Mich. 17 Gardoni My little boy Stanly when he was 7 years & one month taken March 30/1918." This looks to us to be a outfit Stanley may have worn to school. He would have probably been in the 1st grade because he would have been 6 years old when school began. Stanly's tunic suit seems shorter than most we have seen. And he seems to be wearing knee pants rather than bloomer knickers. Clothing catalogs also confirm that tunics were made in size 7 years. We notice fewer offerings for size 8s. Clothing catalogs also confirm that tunics were made in size 7. A good example is a variety of tunic suits offered by Montgomery Ward in 1914. They offered tunic suits mostly only to age 7. Many stores sized tunic suits from 2 1/2 to 7 or 8. So age 7 was at the upper end of the size range for many of these suits, although they were made in larger sizes. We have found a portrait of unidentified brothers who look to be about 6-7 years old. They are wearing matching tunic suits with Norfolk styling. We notice that all the younger Hubbard brothers wearing sailor tunics in 1917. This included Linus who was about 7 years old.


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Created: 6:30 AM 1/8/2007
Last edited: 1:44 AM 12/9/2021