*** United States tunics styles sailor age trends 4 year olds

American Sailor Tunic Age Trends: 4 Year Olds

tunics 4 year old

Figure 1.-- We note unidentified brothers wearing identical sailor suits at 2-4 years of age. They look like dressy tunic suits. The bold band device at the tunic hem was unusual. It picked up the suit detailing. It was a postcard-back portrait which means we do not have studio information, but we do note in was taken in August 8, 1915. This was within the stamp box chronological range for NOKO stamp boxes. There was a narrow white border.v

Age 4 years was one of the most popular ages for American boys wearing sailor tunics. I was midway between when boys began wearing tunics and when school began and tunics became much less common after staring school. We have found large numbers of mostly portraits, but some family snapshots with 4 year olds wearing sailor tunics. They were done in a wide range of styles. The bold band device at the tunic hem was unusual. It picked up the suit detailing. Age 4 years was still a pre-school age which was an important factor. It was also an age that could be cordite with brothers. It was popular at the time to dress brothers and sometimes sisters as well in identically or in coordinated styles. At age 4, the children could be dressed like 2-year old younger brother with an identical outfit or a 6-year old older brothers. We note unidentified brothers wearing identical sailor suits at 2-4 years of age (figure 1). The boys' tunic are striped sailor suits with extensive detailing. They look like dressy tunic suits. They were photographed in their backyard which looks to be a leafy suburban community. It was a postcard-back portrait which means we do not have studio information, but we do note in was taken in 1915. For 4 year olds, an older brother could be dressed in a matching tunic suit or a standard sailor suit for a coordinated outfit portraits. Plder than 6 years old, tunic suits begin to become less common.


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Created: 1:14 PM 6/20/2024
Last edited: 1:14 PM 6/20/2024