*** United States tunics styles sailor age trends 5 year olds

American Sailor Tunic Age Trends: 5 Year Olds

sailor tunics 5 year old

Figure 1.--This cabinet card portrait shows two Milwaukee brothers wearing identical sailor tunics about 1919. Notice the black belt and white long stockings. They look to be about 3-5 years old.

Age 5 years was one of the nost popular age for boys wearing tunics. It was a year before boys began school. Thus mother was still in total control ovr how thev boys were dressed. We think age 3-5 years were the most popular ages and we can't not tell much difference over these three ages. It was an age at which a younger brother night be dressed identically. And the sailor style seems the single most popular style. We see both dress and play outfits. Dressy tunics may be done in better material, although dressy tuics might be just what was worn woth the tunic, such as headwear, white long stockings, and/or strap shoes. Ling stickings were fairky standard throiugh the 1910s, bu white long stockings were seen as a dressy tiuch. Most of the images we have found are studio portraits, but we see some family snapshots as well. This suggests to us a social-class factor.


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Created: 5:39 PM 6/7/2024
Last edited: 5:39 PM 6/7/2024