Sport Coats: Chronology

Figure 1.--Times change. These boys' mothers insisted that they dress up to sight-see in Washington D.C. during the 1960s. The image can be dated by both the narrow lapels and ties and the cameras wgich still used fash bulbs. (Remember those?) Notice the different levels of formality. One boy wears a casual shirt and sport socks. The other boy a tie and kneesocks. The boys were 11 and 12 years old.

Sport coats as we now know them began to appear after the World War I (1914-18). HBC has not noted sport coats before the War, but by the mid-1920s they begin to be seen in in England and America. Men and boys' dress used to be much more formal than it is today. The 1920s were a bridge between earlier years when formal dress was much more expected, even for what we now regard as casual, informal occasions and todays more casual era when boys rarely wear suits, ties, and leather shoes. HBC does not see boys commonly wearing sport coats, however, until the 1940s, especially the late 1940s. Before that time nore formal suits had become more common. It us at this time that rather loud sport coats appear, some times in two materials. The peak popularity for sport coats was the 1950s, although they were still common in the 1960s. By the 1970s boys less comminly dressed up and thus sport coats were not as commonly worn as before. Sports coats still are worn in the 2000s, but the more casual modern life style means that they are worn for relatively few occassions. Trouser styles differened somewhat from suits to sport coats. American boys after the mid-1950s wore short pants suits much less commonly than before. Some boys, however, did continue wearing short pants with the more casual sport coats.

Inter-war and World War II Era (1920-45

Sport jackets as we now know them began to appear after the World War I (1914-18). HBC has not noted sport coats before the War, but by the mid-1920s they begin to be seen in in England and America. Here we are not precisely sure of the chronology or just how opular sports jackets were in the 1930s. We note Sears offering a sporks jacket and slacks in 1941, but calling it a sports suit. Men and boys' dress used to be much more formal than it is today. The 1920s were a bridge between earlier years when formal dress was much more expected, even for what we now regard as casual, informal occasions and todays more casual era when boys rarely wear suits, ties, and leather shoes.

Post-War Era

HBC does not see boys commonly wearing sports jackets, however, until the 1940s, especially the late 1940s. Before that time nore formal suits had become more common. It us at this time that rather loud sport coats appear, some times in two materials. The peak popularity for sport coats was the 1950s, although they were still common in the 1960s. American boys after the mid-1950s wore short pants suits much less commonly than before. Some boys, however, did continue wearing short pants with the more casual sports jackets. An American reader reports, "This page on sports jackets brings back memories. Where I grew up, we called them sports coats rather than jackets. 'Jacket' implied to us a more casual top, the sort that has a zipper front. Sports jackets or coats, though, were popular for their versatility. They could be coordinated with with different pairs of trousers and shirts. My brother and I during the 1960s wore our sports coats with dress slacks; a modern style, sometimes seen, of jeans with a sports coat was unimagined in our time. The shirts, however, could be either casual or dress, though dress shirts were probably more common. And for sure, with a nice shirt, you could also don a necktie for wear with a sports coat. With a sports coat or two, a boy then, had a lot of variations for dress wear."

Late 20th Century

By the 1970s boys less comminly dressed up and thus sport coats were not as commonly worn as before.

Early 21st Century

Sport coats still are worn in the 2000s, but the more casual modern life style means that they are worn for relatively few occassions. Trouser styles differened somewhat from suits to sport coats.


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Created: January 16, 2002
Last edited: 10:04 PM 8/19/2004