We do not have much detailed information about underwear worn in the 1980s yet. We believe that the one-piece union suit (usually long-sleeved and ankle length) was commonly worn by men and boys. At the time American boys commonly wore long stockings. Thus we note that stocking supporters were worn.
We do not have much detailed information about underwear worn in the 1980s yet. We believe that the one-piece union suit (usually long-sleeved and ankle length) was commonly worn by men and boys. At the time American boys commonly wore long stockings. Thus we note that stocking supporters were worn.
Sears offered two types of hose supporting devices just before the turn of the century—to be worn by either girls or boys. One was a shoulder brace supporters with no waist band and the supporters suspended directly from the shoulders. This tended to be uncomfortable because its construction sometimes forced children to stoop over. The other type consists of a belt supported from the shoulders with supporters attached to the belt. A refinement of this latter type became popular a few years earlier (see Sears 1902 ad). See HBC page.
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