Les allumettes suedoises (France, 1995)

Figure 1.--The boys in "Les allumettes suedoises" meet here for a conference. Some typical 1930s garments can be seen, including berets, suit jacjkets, sweaters, abd short pants. One boy wears a smock.

HBC does no know much about about the plot line of Les allumettes suedoises made in 1995 by a French consortium. The period depicted seems about late 30's and as there was no sign of war time props and only one old car to be seen. The film is around the life of the boy and his mates so there is plenty of costume detail to be seen. The color tint in the film is odd and dull looking I think to enhance the period feel.

French Text

Dans les années 30, à Montmartre. Olivier Châteauneuf, 10 ans, vagabonde sur les pentes avec son ami David, tentant de déjouer les pièges de leurs ennemis jurés, les "gougnafiers". Olivier vit avec sa mère, Virginie, une passion absolue. Or, les jours de cette jeune et ravissante veuve sont comptés. Quel est cet inconnu qui rôde auprès d'elle et semble la connaître? Brun, manchot et décoré, ce Privat séduit Olivier en lui offrant un louis d'or et des allumettes suédoises. À la mort brutale de Virginie, Olivier est confié "provisoirement" à des cousins, Jean et Élodie. La rue devient son refuge, ses nouveaux compagnons, des adultes plus ou moins marginaux : Mado, Bougras, l'Araignée et Privat. Auprès d'eux, Olivier fait l'apprentissage de la vie, de l'amour et de l'amitié.

Petits et grands L'¦uvre de Robert Sabatier a charmé des générations de lecteurs. Chacun retrouve dans ces souvenirs d'un gamin des années 30 l'écho de sa propre enfance. Les amitiés éternelles, les rivalités entre bandes, l'admiration portée à certaines "grandes personnes", les premiers élans amoureux... Grâce à une distribution étonnante de justesse et aux remarquables décors d'Alain Paroutaud, entièrement réalisés à Pontoise, ce téléfilm prestigieux est une vraie saga populaire. Mais une autre émotion traverse les Allumettes suédoises : Jacques Ertaud, le réalisateur, a signé ici son dernier film.


TV movie by Jaques Ertaud, adapted from the book of Robert Sabatier. The name of the film Les allumettes suedoises meams "The ??? matches," reffering to a pack of matches the main boy character was given.

Figure 2.--Both of these boys wear berets which were still widely worn in the 1930s. Only a few years after World War II, it became quite rare to see a French boy wearing a beret.


Nael Marandin plays the role of Olivier, the primcipal boy in the film.


Olivier Châteauneuf, 10 years, in Montmartre roves on the slopes with his friend David, trying to thwart the traps of their sworn enemies, the "gougnafiers". Olivier lives with his mother, Virginia, an absolute passion. However, the days of this young person and "ravissante"?? widowed are counted. Which is this unknown which rôdes near it and seems to know her? Brown, penguin and decorated, Privat allures Olivier by offering one box of safety matches (allumettes) and gold louis to him. With the brutal death of Virginia, Olivier is entrusted "temporarily" to cousins, Jean and Élodie. The street becomes his refuge, his/her new companions, of the more or less marginal adults: Mado, Bougras, the Spider and Privat. Near them, Olivier makes the aprenticeship of life, love and friendship. Young or old, the book of Robert Sabatier charmed generations of readers. Each one finds in these memories of a kid dfuring the 1930s the echo of his own childhood. Eternal friendships, competitions between bands, admiration for some adults,first dashes in love... Thanks to an astonishingly accurate distribution and with the remarkable decorations of Alain Paroutaud, entirely carried out in Pontoise, this prestigious telefilm is truly popular saga . But another emotion crosses the Allumettes Suédoises: Jacques Ertaud, the realizer, signed his last film here.


The period depicted seems about late 30's and as there was no sign of war time props and only one old car to be seen.

Figure 3.--


The film is around the life of the boy and his mates so there is plenty of costume detail to be seen. Some typical 1930s garments can be seen, including berets, suit jacjkets, sweaters, and short pants. As was common in the 1930s, boys wear their suit coats rather than casual jsckets. This was because boys ha more limited wardrobes before World War II (1939-45) than is the case today. Many boys wear berets, although a few flat caps are also worn. Some boys wears smocks.


The color tint in the film is odd and dull looking I think to enhance the period feel. Some typical 1930s garments can be seen, including berets, suit jacjkets, sweaters, and short pants. As was common in the 1930s, boys wear their suit coats rather than casual jsckets. This was because boys ha more limited wardrobes before World War II (1939-45) than is the case today. Many boys wear berets, although a few flat caps are also worn. Some boys wears smocks.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: March 25, 2001
Last updated: March 25, 2001