Bred in Old Kentucky (United States, 1926)

Figure 1.-- As was common in the rural South, the groom in "Bred in Old Kentucky" wears overalls. Interestingly, despite the work atire, he buttons his collar. This was a common convention among American boys in the first half of the 20th century, even into the 1960s. Quite a number of boys would button their collars even when not wearing ties. Note here that the boy has buttoned his collar even though he is wearing working clothes. What we are unsure about if he was told do that by costuming or dit it on his own because that was how he dressed.

We do not know a lot about silent films, but they are a wonderful repository of fashion information, especially the films with contemporary fashions. The budgets for mny of these films were not large and in many vases the children involved, other than the main characters, wotre their own clothes rather than costumes. "Bred in Old Kentucky" was a FBO remake of an earlier 1919 film. The star was Viola Dana who played Katie O'Doone. There was a boy in the cast, but we do not what is role was. Set in Kentucky, it was of course about horse raceing. Kentucky is famous in America for its blue grass and raising thoroughbred horses. The Kentucky Derby is of course run in Kentucky. When Katie's father dies she has to run the declining family estate. She mortgaages the family home and bets the proceeds on her beloved horse. The boy I think is a groom at the estate. The costuming is interesting. As was common in the rural South, he wears overalls. This probably was a costumre because the foilm was not sot in rural Kentucky. Interestingly, despite the work atire, he buttons his collar. This was a common convention among American boys in the first half of the 20th century, even into the 1960s. Quite a number of boys would button their collars even when not wearing ties. Note here that the boy has buttoned his collar even though he is wearing working clothes. What we are unsure about if he was told do that by costuming or did it on his own because that was how he dressed.


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Created: 7:34 PM 6/25/2008
Last updated: 7:34 PM 6/25/2008