East German Movie Depictions of Boys Clothes: Benno macht Geschalten (1970s?)

Figure 1.--The East German boys in this film wear "T"-shirts and short cut shorts. The boy on the left here wears lederhosen. Short colored socks seem to have replaced kneesocks.

HBC has no information on Benno macht Geschalten, a typical DDR film. Images suggest that the movie was made in the 1970s as the boys wear short cut short pants. "T"-shirts are also widely worn.


HBC has no information on the story-line. A HBC contributor has provided some information in German, although HBC may not have transcrived it very well. I have put the words I couldn't make out very well in brackets. "... [??? ein aufgeweckter Berliner Junge, [??? ????] Problemfall, obwohl seine [Eikern gentrg] Problems mit ihm haben. Das liegt vor millem dar un, dass keiner Zeit für ihn . Selbst für die Ferien soll die Nachbarin zustäandig sein. Da erscheint Renter Oskar Schrader, der herrlich im Grünen wohnt. Die Ferien in Oskars Siedlungshäuschen kommen Benno wie ein Ausflug ins Paradies vor ..."


The movie seems to be set in a small town. Presumably Benno is on of the boys. He seems to be a boy from Berlin visiting a friend.


HBC has no information on the filmography. The clothing suggests that the film was made in the 1970s.


Early DDR films did deal with spies and other Cold War topics. Such topics were little seen by the 1960s. HBC is unsure, however, just to what extent Communist ideology was expressed in films like this. Presumbably films were not made in the DDR that were not approved by a Party Communist censor offices to review the content.

Figure 2.--This image from the same scenes shows the boys in the same outfits.


Caps do not appear to have been widely worn. "T"-shirts and short pants appear to have been popular for summer wear. The shorts are the short cut style, looking almost like those worn by Japanese boys at the same time. One boy here wears lederhosen. Short colored socks seem to have replaced kneesocks. The types of shoes they wear are not very distinct.

Hair styles in the film vary. Some East German boys wore short hair styles while other boys their hair down to their ears. I do not think longer hair was common in the DDR, although West German boys might wear longer styles during the 1970s.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 26, 2000
Last updated: August 26, 2000