Central Station (Brazil, 1998)

Figure 1.--

Brazilian films with important boy characters often deal with the underprivlidged. Central Station is no exception. The film is about a Josué of Rio de Janeiro who sees his mother die in a traffic accident and is left by himsef. The plot of the film deals with a woman is alternately torn between caring for him and abandoning him.


The director was Walter Salles.


Fernanda Montenegro (Dora) and Vinicius de Oliveira (Josué) are the main characters. Montenegro who is one of Brazil's najor acrresses, has been nominated for a best actress Oscar. Some think Vinicius de Oliveira, a 10-year old, is the real star of the movie. A born actor.


Wears a white shirt and a pair of dark shorts with flip flops throughout the picture. Poor children in Brazil commonly wear inexpensive flip-flops.


The film is about a boy (Josué) of Rio de Janeiro. He sees his mother die in a traffic accident just when she has had a letter written to his absentee father by Dora, a retired teacher, who tries to make ends meet by writing letters for illiterate fellow citizens. Dora, acting on an impulse, takes him to her home but soon realizes that she has undertaken too heavy a task. Greed and her desire to buy a new television set make her sell the boy to child trafficker only to get him back when she is overcome by remorse. Then she takes it upon her to help the boy find his father in the arid “sertão” of Brazil’s Northeastern states. During the bus ride, when money runs out and the boy becomes to much of a burden she tries to drop him a few times but mutual attraction bring them together each time. They don’t find his father but they are able to locate his two older brothers and stay with them for the night. Now a bit of melodrama is added. A letter by pa shows that he didn’t desert ma but instead has tried in vain to get in touch with her and their son. At dawn Dora quietly gets up while the three boys are still asleep, walks to the bus station and finally abandons Josué.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 10, 2002
Last updated: May 10, 2002