** movie depictions of boys clothing: Lithuania

National Movie Industries: Lithuania

Figure 1.-- The Lithuanian Film Studio/Cinema Studio of Lithuania was estanlished (1956). One of their films was "Electronnaya Babooshka"/"Electronic Granny" (1985) based on a Ray Bradbury book. We suspect the choice of a Bradury book was a subtle critcism of Soviet censorship, although this was a non-political children's film.

The first film known to have been made in Lithuania was shot by Lithuanian-American Antanas Raciunas. He filmed the sights of his native village for fellow Lithuanian immigrants. Raciunas and Vladislavas Starevicius made "Prie Nemuno"/"By the Nieman River" (1909). The first actual Lithuanian film was a newsreel made after World War I and Lithuanian independence (1921). The first Lithuanian feature film was "Onyte ir Jonelis"/"Annie and Johnn" (1931). It was directed by Jurgis Linartas and Vladas Stipaitis. Lithuanian movie theaters as a result showed mostly foreign films. We are not sure which country films were the most popular, we suspect American and German films. We do not know if Soviet films were shown. The Lithuanian film indutry had little time to develop before Woirld War II and the Soiviet occupation and annexation (1940/44). Early in the Soviet era a newsreel studio was opened. It was moved to Vilnius (1949). It developed into the Lithuanian Film Studio/Cinema Studio of Lithuania (1956). One of their films was Electronnaya Babooshka/Electronic Granny (1985) based on a Ray Bradbury book. We suspect the choice of a Bradury book was a subtle critcism of Soviet censorship, although this was a non-political children's film.


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Created: 6:20 PM 2/23/2010
Last updated: 7:04 AM 3/8/2021