Swedish Movies: Film Industry

Figure 1.--Kjell Birger Grede (1936- ) is a Swedish film director. He directed nine films between 1967 and 2003. He was married to actress Bibi Andersson from 1960 to 1973. Several of his films won awards, including 'Hugo and Josephine', 'Harry Munter', 'Hip Hip Hurrah!', and 'Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg'. He seems very popular with the Swedish boy here about 1970.

Sweden has a well developed film industry. It is the best known Scandinavian film industry, although we know little about it at this time. One reviewer with a rather unkind site about Sweden writes, "The Swedish movie industry revolves entirely around the rather revolting practice of Swedish people making lots more little Swedish people. If it weren't for their movie industry, the Swedes would have died out long ago." One more serious film historian asked Swedish actor Peter Stormare why many Swedish actors make careers in Hollywood and not other Scandinavians. He replied, "I don't know. But the Danes have all the athletes (laughs). It's very strange. I think maybe because when the Swedish movie industry started, a lot of Norwegians came to Stockholm to work in movies. Maybe it originates from there. And in World War I the only industry still alive was the Swedish one. People came from everywhere to Sweden because the industry was booming. So I think it's a tradition." [Sat] One serious problem faced by the industry is that the Swedish speaking public is so limited. This of course limits the money which can be spent on a film and thus the production values. It also means that it is difficult to afford major international stars. Press reports in 2002 indicate that Sweden film industry is troubled. The Government provides "results related incentives". The available monet, however, has been largely used by some recent successes, "Executive Protection" and "Jalla! Jalla!". Thus there is insuffient funds for several planned films. The Government is considering a financial resuce package. [Lundberg] Sweden has several important directors. The most interntilly known is Ingmar Bergmam (1918-2007). There are many more, but bnone as well known outside Sweden.


Lundberg, Pia. "Culture Minister proposes financial aid for Swedish film," Screen Daily.com September 4, 2002.

Sat, Kuriko. "Peter Stormare", Project, internet site accessed October 26, 2002.


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Created: 6:33 AM 9/16/2017
Last updated: 6:33 AM 9/16/2017