Soviet Film: From 7 to 12 (1965)

Figure 1.--A Russian reader tells us about a Soviet film, 'From 7 to 12' (1965). We do not yet know much about it. It seems to be about a boy growing up from age 7 to 12 years of age. We note one scene at home. An older brother seems tyo be helping his little brother dress in the morning. He is holding a stocking upporter. You can see the stocking supporter, suspender straps, and two light-blue long stockings. Stocking supporters were something rarely seen in the movie.

A Russian reader tells us about a Soviet film, 'From 7 to 12' (1965). We do not yet know much about it. It seems to be about a boy growing up from age 7 to 12 years of age. Or perhaps it is about two brithers age 7 and 12 years of age. We note one scene at home. An older brother seems tyo be helping his little brother dress in the morning. He is holding a stocking upporter, stocking supporters were something rarely seen in the movie. You can see the stocking supporter, suspender straps, and two light-blue long stockings. The color is interesting. Boys more commonly wore briwn shades like bveuge abd tan. Stocking supporters were used with long stockings which were still commonly worn in the Soviet Union during the 1960s. Hopefully we will be able to find out nore about the plot. Our Russian reader tells us it was a simple movie made up of four short vignettes about kids. This was apopular forn=mt with Soviet film makers.


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Created: 4:38 AM 5/15/2012
Last updated: 4:38 AM 5/15/2012