Finding Neverland: Smocks

Figure 1.-- On this scene the other boys look to be wearingNorfolk jackets. This brother for some reason looks to be wearing a side-buttoning smock. I'm not sure why he was dressed differently.

A reader writes, "I'd say that the smock type costumes were based both upon contemporary family photos and clothing styles worn by boys from 'artistic' families of the period. " I'm not positive, but it seems to HBC that some of the boys seem to be wearing smocks in the scenes where they are casually dressed. The smocj=ks, however, look different than the smocks we note in actual photographs of the children. One curious aspect of the film is that in one scene, three boys wear Norfolk suits, including the oldest and the youngest, but one of the middle boys wars a kind of smock or tunic outfit--I'm not sure quite how to describe it. nor am I sure why one boy was dressed differently. All the boys wear the same knickers and black long stockings.


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Created: 9:25 PM 3/27/2005
Last updated: 9:25 PM 3/27/2005