Four Weddings and a Funeral - (England, 1994)

Figure 1.--The weddings depicted in the film are quite formal. Here we see the official wedding portrait with the children. I assume they are pages ranger than the ring bearer as there are two of them. Click on the image to see the Anglican choir. They are shown just before the bride and groom arrive.

This is a film I keep meaning to see, but have missed the beginning the several times I have caught it on televisioin. on television. The title pretty well describes the movie. There does not see to be a great deal which pertains to HBC. One of the weddings includes a boy in a fancy suit and hat going down the isle, presumably as a ring bearer. This scene was used in the TV ads. It must have been in one of the first weddings. I've caught the latter half of the movie on TV, but haven't seen it in the latter part of the film. I've never seen the film straight through. Another wedding has a boy dressing in a blue sailor suit, but its hard to get a good look at his outfit in the actual wedding. There is also a choir which appears.


I think that this is an English rather than an American film, but am not sure here. The director was Mike Newell. The producer was Duncan Kenworthy. The screenplay was written by Richard Curtis. The cinematography was by Michael Coulter. The U.S. distributor Gramercy Pictures.


Hugh Grant was the major star in the film playing Charles. Carrie is played by Andie MacDowell. I'm not sure who played the children.


This is a film I keep meaning to see, but have missed the beginning the several times I have caught it on televisioin. on television. The title pretty well describes the movie. There does not see to be a great deal which pertains to HBC. The film follows the fortunes of Charles and his friends as they wonder if they will every find true love and marry. Charles thinks he's found "Miss Right" in Carrie, an American. This British subtle comedy revolves around Charlie, his friends and the four weddings and one funeral which they attend. Charles has many girl friends but does not seem interested in marriage. His friends, however, are getting married. Charles seem unable of conceiving of settling down with a wide. Then at one of his friends' weddings he meets Carrie, an American who edits a fashion magazine.


There does not see to be a great deal which pertains to HBC. One of the weddings includes a boy in a fancy suit and hat going down the isle, presumably as a ring bearer. This scene was used in the TV ads. It must have been in one of the first weddings. I've caught the latter half of the movie on TV, but haven't seen it in the latter part of the film. I've never seen the film straight through. Another wedding has a boy dressing in a blue sailor suit, but its hard to get a good look at his outfit in the actual wedding. There is also a choir which appears.


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Created: 6:16 PM 12/8/2004
Last updated: 6:16 PM 12/8/2004