Movie Review: A Night to Remember (England, 1958)

Figure 1.-- Considerable efforts were made to accurately depict the fatefull voyage. The film used sets based on actual blueprints of Titanic. The ship's fourth officer Joseph Boxhall and ex-Cunard Commodore Harry Grattidge were employed as technical advisors. The costuming is also historically accurate. There are a few shots of children. Towards the end of the film when the survivers are on the Carpathia we see a British boy about 6 years old wearing a sailor suit and slightly older girls wearing fruit-decorated hats. Notice the politically incorrect Gollywog doll. Gollywogs at the time were very popular. Click on the image for a fuller discussion.

This is a another RMS Titanic disaster film. Titanic was the largest vessel afloat at the time. It was assumed to be unsinkable, part of the early-20th century's optimism about the future and technology. This film is a basically fact-based, minute by minute account about the the sinking of the great British ocean oceanliner. Unlike the other Titanic films, this is a docudrama--essentially an acted documentary. There are no imaginative subplots to provide dramatic tension. The film is an adaptation is based on the book A Night to Remember (1955) by Walter Lord. It is the classic account of perhaps the most famous disaster in history. Lord also wrote A Day of Infamy about the Japanese Pearl Harbor attack. Considerable efforts were made to accurately depict the fatefull voyage. The film used sets based on actual blueprints of Titanic. The ship's fourth officer Joseph Boxhall and ex-Cunard Commodore Harry Grattidge were employed as technical advisors. The costuming is also historically accurate. There are a few shots of children. Towards the end of the film when the survivers are on the Carpathia we see a British boy about 6 years old wearing a sailor suit and slightly older girls wearing fruit-decorated hats.


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Created: 9:15 PM 11/28/2010
Last updated: 10:43 AM 12/2/2010