Non-Stop New York: Setting

Figure 1.-- Here child prodigy Arnold James played by Desmond Tester is practicing in his state room with his aunt. It looks like a oceanliner state room, but was on a rather futuristic trans-Atlantic airliner.

Thre British crime thriller 'Non-stop New York' is an early airline film. As air travel was very new, it was not very acurately depicted, but would have probably added some interest on the part of 1930s movie goers. The main female character is a stowaway on a trans-Atlantic flight from London to New York. Before this film, such films were always set on trains or ships. Trans-Atlantic flights were very new. The plane pictured is a luxurious flying boat, not at all like modern air travel. I know that the flying boats were used in the Pcific. I am less familiar with their use in the Atlantic. This is a futuristic airliner and not a plane actually inservice at the time. The plane has an outdoor observation decks so you can go outside while the plane is actually in flight! Only about 5-6 passangers and 1 stowaway or on the plane. The Pan Am clippers in the Pacific were luxurious, but not that luxurious. But the film needed space in which the action can take place. The plot was essentially written for a train mystery rather than an airplane.


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Created: 10:26 PM 3/10/2011
Last updated: 10:26 PM 3/10/2011