Things to Come: America in 1936

Figure 1.-- The British movie "Things to Come" was released with much fanfare in the United States during 1936. It played to the increasing American anxiety about war.

"Things to Come" was also released in America. It played to the prevalent public attitude toward war. Across the Atlantic the same dymamic as in Britain was in play. Very shortly after the World War I Armistice, Americans began questioning the Value of entering the War. Popualisrs and isolationiss comined with the pascifists to criticize American intervention. Soon they wre calling industrialists the "merchants of death". Absent from the public discussion was what would have been the impact of a German victory. After the NAZI seizure of power in Germany (1931), Americans began to be concerned about another European war. And the vast majority of Americans were dead set against American particuption. This of ourse played into Hitler's hands, giving him the opportunity to conquer Wurope before American resources could be mobilized ahainst him. Congress even passed the Neutrality Act (1935) making it impossible to aid countries targeted by Fascist aggression. The hatred of war was a central them played by the isolationists which almost prevented President Roosevelt from using American resources to help save Britain.


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Created: 12:37 AM 1/15/2010
Last updated: 12:37 AM 1/15/2010