To Kill a Mockingbird: Characters

Figure 1.-- Scout--who wears overalls all summer until she is forced into a dress for school, is 6 years old. The story is told through the nariation of an adult Scout so in masy ways the focus is on her. She is struggling to come to terms with the adult world around here which a age 6 is difficult to comprehend.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a wonderful film on several levels. One of those it is insightful depiction of childhood. The main child characters are the children of Atikus Finch, a small toen lawyer. Jem (who wears overalls and knickers, including a knicker suit) is about 11 years old. His tom-boy younger sister, Scout--who wears overalls all summer until she is forced into a dress for school, is 6 years old. Dill was was visiting his aunt for the summer lived next door to Jem and Scout. He never wears overalls or knickers like Jem, but wears light-colored short pants and dark knee socks. The only boy in the film to do so. The children perform their parts beautifully depicting childhood ethics and innonsence. Their interactions anong themselves and with adults are beautifully done. The story is told through the nariation of an adult Scout so in masy ways the focus is on her. She is struggling to come to terms with the adult world around here which a age 6 is difficult to comprehend.


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Created: 1:12 AM 3/4/2007
Last updated: 1:12 AM 3/4/2007