The film depicts the experiences of Scout, the tom-boy daughter, of a small-town Alabama lawyer--Aticus Finch. There is rather a twin plot. The first is the examination of the child hood experience of two children in the South who lived with their widowed father. We see their interactions and coming to terms with life in their small town. Then there is the story of a black man unjustly acused of a crime. Of course the two stories gradually merge. Much of it takes place during the summer. First Dill arrives. Scout and her brother Jem and Dill are fascinated by the house next door where Boo Bradley lives. Boo is a shadowy figure around whom all kinds of tales swirl. Scout has to be careful arund the neighbors, especilly the elderly lady next door.
Then Scout begins the First Grade in school. This presents a challenge. First she has to wear a dress. Then even though she already knows how to read, the teacher is determined to teavh her. Then there is the challenge of making friends. Her approach is to beat up Arthur Cunningham.
The children's idelic world is contrasted with e on-going rape trial of a black man. Their father is the only lawyer in the county that will take the assignnment to defend the black man. In a Southern courtroom, the defense is hopeless despite the lack of evidence. Aticus' efforts to defend the man, however, puts his daughter in jepordy. Here neither her father or Jem are able to defend her--but Boo does.
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