Wenn die Glocken hell erklingen (Austria, 1959)

Figure 1.--Here I assume he female lead in "Wenn die Glocken hell erklingen" examens the sailor cap of one Vienna Boys' Choir choristers. We do not know of many Austrian films and several of the ones we do know about touch on the Vienna Boys' Choir

An Austrian reader has mentioned a favorite film of his, "Wenn die Glocken hell erklingen" (When the Bells Sound Clearly) and in French as "Quand toutes les cloches sonnent". The film was made in 1959. It is about a choirboy, who visits is grandfather who doesn't know that he's got a grandson. He had banned his daughter from his home because she who went off with a friend he did not like. The film feature Michael Ande, who was a well known star at that time, as a main character. Unfortunately he was used in many "formula" productions and he did no make very many really quality films. We know very little about the film except that is about the Vienna Boys' Choir (Wiener Sängerknaben). Hopefully our German and Austrian readers will be able to tell us more about the film. A German reader writes, "Yes, I saw this film some time ago. From time to time I like to see these old tear-jerkers. In my opinion "Wenn die Glocken hell erklingen" is one of the worst. Again Michael Ande plays the child lead role. He is called Mecki in the film and is a Vienna Choir boy. Looks quite silly because Michael Ande is already quite big, too big for a "cute" choir boy. Meckis mother married a man her father disliked. Her father broke with her and she went away and there was no contact. So her father did not know he had a grandson. Meckis father died. Now the choir boys are in vacation and Meckis grandfather lives in the same town as rich man. Of course, by coincidence, Mecky and his grandfather come together and are fond of each other. And of course there is a happy end and all are glad again including Mecki's mother."


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Created: April 14, 2004
Last updated: April 14, 2004