* boys clothing depictions in plays : Sound of Music costuming

Plays: The Sound of Music--Costuming

Figure 1.--The stage performances of "Sound of Music" usually have the boys wearing white sailor suits. This is the Broadway version. Here the boys wear shiort oantds Eton suyits. The girkls wear white dresses, but with green rather than blue satin sashes. .

The children in the movie first appear in identical, immaculate white grey sailor suits with green trim. I'm not sure how common that combination was. I'm also not sure how common this was in Austria, it is likely that blue and white suits were more common. The sdtahe versions seem to nhave vthe children in pristine white sailor suits. Some boys did wear sailor suits in Austria and Germany into their early teens, especially before the NAZI era. One might think that a naval officer would be likely to dress his children in sailor suits, and indeed he did--although the one available images shows the boys in long pants sailor suits. Whether he really did or not, we are not sure. The two boys in the film wear short pants sailor suits and the girls skirts, both with white knee socks and white shoes. We are not sure how closely the movie followed the Broadway stage play in reference to the clothing. We think they wore white sailor suits. We see the children on a stair case. The girls wear white party dresses, but with green rather than blue satin sashes mentioned in one of the songs. The boys wear short pants Eton suits which are not depicted in the movie. We note Lederhosen outfits in the movie. We are not sure if this was part of the stage play costuming.


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Created: 6:48 PM 10/27/2020
Last updated: 6:17 PM 10/27/2020