English Schools Dance Program: Music and Movement Program

Figure 1.--Many British readers remember the Music and Dance schools dance program sponsored by the BBBc.

The BBC schools radio. "Music And Movement" was used by both classroom teachers and P.E. teachers. We have few detaiols on whp produced the program or when they first began broadcasting it. One HBC reader remembers it in the 1960s. We believe it probably began earlier, perhaps the 1940s. We also have few details atvthis time on the music and exervises. There was Jonathan Cohen-type piano music. For P.E. there were routines like "I'm a tree, I'm a tree, be a tree with me". These were activities all the children could do and no P.E. kit ws needed. They could even be done in a regular classroom by moving the desks against the wall. Some schools had special dance teachers who would visit differebt schools. The Dance and Movement program permitted any classroom or P.E. teacher to introduce a dance lesson into the program.


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Created: February 5, 2004
Last updated: February 5, 2004