Illustrators: Marcel Marlier--Clothing Illustrations

Figure 1.--This Marlier illuistration was done in 1972 and shows a kindergarden class. Only 2 or 3 boys in the class were wearing a traditional smock. In reality after 1968 very few boys were wearing smocks. The smocks shown are the back buttonuing style.

His modern and realistic illustrations accuaretly depict, if a little idealized, typical garments that French children were wearing. He began drawing in the early 1950s and chronicled French children through much of the second half of the 20th century. His early drawings usually show girls in dresses and boys in the trim cut short pants that French boys wore then. Interestingly, he did bot often draw boys in rompers or smocks. Nor do the boys wear berets. By the 1970s, the clothing begins to change. Boys began to be seen more on long pants and girls are no longer always posed in little dresses. His drawings closely followed the evolving fashion trends in France. Marlier's drawings most commonly show Belgian and French fashions from the late 1950s through the 1970s. A French reader tells us, "He rarely shows boys wearing rompers and blouses with puffed sleeves as was still common in the early 1950s. Also while he drew some younger boys wearing smocks, mostly boys he drew, even boys in school, wore short pants without smocks."

Christopher Wagner

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Created: October 7, 2002
Last updated: October 7, 2002