This is another of Cotes later oil works. We see Anna Maria Astley (7 years old) and her youngr brother Edward (5 1/2 years old). Their father was the wealthy baronet and landowner Sir Edward Astley. At the time the wealth of the airistocracy was in land. The Industrial Revolution was just beginning. Their mother Astley's second wife Anne Milles. Anna Maria wears a low cut white dress with a long blue silk or satin skirt. She has both a blue hat and some kind garlandon her head. Edward wears a very plain open collar shirt with a pink knee breeches suit with a matching vest with two elavorate colimns of buttons. Edward's knee breeches were not boyswear. There were not yet any dedicated childreb's clothing. Children wore the same styles as their parents in small sizes. Both children have short hair. They children are depicted playing on a classical terrace with balistrade and urn. The family had a grand estate at Melton Constable, Norfolk. Anna Maria is toying with her brother, waving his beyond his grasp. You can see her hat behinnd her head. Notice the colors. Annaaria wears blue an Edward pink. They are with the family's massive pooch who seems rather friendly. Anna Maria died a year after their portrait was painted (1868). Edward made a name for himself in the British Army. He was too young for the American Revolution, but the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars offered great scope for soldiery. It was Edward's elder half-brother was to inherit his father’s title and estate.
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