*** The Stubbs Children

American family 1890s
Figure 1.-- This studio cabinet portrait shows the Stubbs family children. The enscription on the back reads, "Floyd, Myrtle, Beatrice & Bernice Stubbs Children of Wm [William] Stubbs." The four children, a boy and three girls, look to be about 6-14 years of age. Floyd wears a plain Norfolk knicker suit. Note the classic Eton collar and small bow. The girls all wear fancy dresses. Two of the children wear dark long stockings. They all have high-top shoes. Presumbly the other two do as well. The portrait is undated, but the mount and dress styling suggest it was taken about 1895.

The Stubbs Children (United States, about 1895)

This studio cabinet portrait shows the Stubbs family children. The enscription on the back reads, "Floyd, Myrtle, Beatrice & Bernice Stubbs Children of Wm [William] Stubbs." The four children, a boy and three girls, look to be about 6-14 years of age. Floyd wears a plain Norfolk knicker suit. Note the classic Eton collar and small bow. The girls all wear fancy dresses. Two of the children wear dark long stockings. They all have high-top shoes. Presumbly the other two do as well. The portrait is undated, but the pinking on the card suggest it was taken about 1888-95. The ballooning sleeves on the dresses suggest that about 1895 is a good estimate. Unlike most cabinet cards, the studio and location are not indicated.


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Created: 3:11 AM 12/23/2014
Last edited: 3:11 AM 12/23/2014