Roman Class Conflict (2nd Century BC)

Figure 1.--Several modern artists have painted Cornelia with her two boys. The Gracchi were not a subject of Roman artists and sculptors. This painting was entitled 'Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi'. All of the images of the Gracchi are the work of modern, not Roman artists and sculptors. It was painted by Joseph-Benoît Suvée (1795). He was a Flemish painter strongly influenced by French neo-classicism. The French revolutionaries idealized Greek democracy. As the French turned to Bonaparte, imperial Rome became more of an ideal. The Gracchi pursued a failed attempt at social reform as the Roman Republic was transformed by a growing overseas empire. Today historians look on the Gracchi as the first social revolutionaries.

Severe class conflicts begin in the late-2nd century and will finally result in the destruction of the Republic in the 1st century BC. It was in part the sucess of Roman arms and the defeat of Carthage. The tribunes Tiberius Gracchus tribune of the plebs and Gaius Gracchus tribune of the plebs attempted to reform the Roman social system. The old patrician families and the newly enobleled wealthy plebian families combined to exclude all others from the higher offices (magistracies) and the Senate which now cntroled state affairs. This aristocratic ruling class now dominated Rome. Its members had become fabulously wealthy from the plunder of empire, but rather than sharing with the plebian class they arrogantly devoted themselves to untold luxury and resistance to the rise of plebians and a share in the bounty of empire. The admirably high standards and honesty of the early Republic was lost. In addition the small-scale peasant farmers found themselves unable to compete with the large estates worked by slaves obtained in Rome's wars. The independent peasantry which had been the backbone of Rome was gradually being reduced to poverty, forcing them off the land and into the cities--becoming city rable, bitter and reduced to a magre living off a state dole. The Gracchi brothers attempted to reform the Roman Republic to adjust to the new empire. The conservative patrician and newly enpbeled class, however, resisted the reforms as a threat to their traditions and entrenched position. The Gracchus Brothers attempted to aleviate economic distress and pursue agraian reform and corn laws. Tiberius Gracchi were so popular with the Roman masses, that he ran for a second consecutive term for tribune which was unconstitutional. A group of conservative senators organized an armed band and attacked him in the Assembly. They killed him as well as 300 of his followers, beating them to death (133 BC). Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (Tiberius' younger brother) was elected tribune for two successive years Through the Assembly he challenged the power of conservative classes and the Senate. He also attempted the sweeping economic reforms his brother had promoted. Opposition between his followers and the Senate degenerated into street fighting and riots. He was killed in the rioting and his followers were executed by Opimius (121 BC). The sipression of the Gracchi in many ways began the decline of the Republic. Increasingly personalities began to dominate Roman politics and the major conflicts were no longer with foreign powers, but conflicts between Roman classes. Violence flared as never before in Roman life. Eventually Caesar would more efftively manage his popularity with the people. His assasinastion (44 BC) led to the end of the Republic and the principate under Augustus. Marius became consul (107, 104-100). He ruled Rome through command of the army. Marius reorganized the Army (104 BC). The Marian reforms would further weaken the Republic alreay being fractured by by rising class division. The Marian reforms opened careers in the Army to the landless masses and the established a standing army. This would lead to an armies loyal to their commanders rather than the Senate/Republic. The conflict between Marius and Sulla in the next century would rachet up the violence in Roman politics even further. A slave rebellion broke out in Sicily (104 BC).

Overseas Empire

Severe class conflicts begin in the late-2nd century and will finally result in the destruction of the Republic in the 1st century BC. It was in part the sucess of Roman arms and the defeat of Carthage in the Punic Wars. The Second Punic War ended with the defeat of Casrthage (201 BC). Carthage was humbled but not destroyed. It was no longer a military threat, but econmically Carthage revived and competed with Rome commercially. As a result, Rome absolutely destroyed Carthasge in the Third Punic War (149-146 BC) leaving it a mound of pulverized rubble. The survivors were sold into slavery. This meant that no military power was left to resist Rome in the western Mediterranean. Rome not only acquired Spain, but much off North Africa as well as the Mediterranean islands. Military victories in the east essentially turned the Mediterranean into a Roman lake. There were huge consequences as a result of this huge military expansion and overseas empires.

The Gracchi

The tribunes Tiberius Gracchus tribune of the plebs and Gaius Gracchus tribune of the plebs attempted to reform the Roman social system. The old patrician families and the newly enobleled wealthy plebian families combined to exclude all others from the higher offices (magistracies) and the Senate which now cntroled state affairs. This aristocratic ruling class now dominated Rome. Its members had become fabulously wealthy from the plunder of empire, but rather than sharing with the plebian class they arrogantly devoted themselves to untold luxury and resistance to the rise of plebians and a share in the bounty of empire. The admirably high standards and honesty of the early Republic was lost. In addition the small-scale peasant farmers found themselves unable to compete with the large estates worked by slaves obtained in Rome's wars. The independent peasantry which had been the backbone of Rome was gradually being reduced to poverty, forcing them off the land and into the cities--becoming city rable, bitter and reduced to a magre living off a state dole. The Gracchi brothers attempted to reform the Roman Republic to adjust to the new empire. The conservative patrician and newly enpbeled class, however, resisted the reforms as a threat to their traditions and entrenched position. The Gracchus Brothers attempted to aleviate economic distress and pursue agraian reform and corn laws. Tiberius Gracchi were so popular with the Roman masses, that he ran for a second consecutive term for tribune which was unconstitutional. A group of conservative senators organized an armed band and attacked him in the Assembly. They killed him as well as 300 of his followers, beating them to death (133 BC). Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (Tiberius' younger brother) was elected tribune for two successive years Through the Assembly he challenged the power of conservative classes and the Senate. He also attempted the sweeping economic reforms his brother had promoted. Opposition between his followers and the Senate degenerated into street fighting and riots. He was killed in the rioting and his followers were executed by Opimius (121 BC). The sipression of the Gracchi in many ways began the decline of the Republic. Increasingly personalities began to dominate Roman politics and the major conflicts were no longer with foreign powers, but conflicts between Roman classes. Violence flared as never before in Roman life. Eventually Caesar would more efftively manage his popularity with the people. His assasinastion (44 BC) led to the end of the Republic and the principate under Augustus.

Marian Reforms

Marius became consul (107, 104-100). He ruled Rome through command of the army. Marius reorganized the Army (104 BC). The Marian reforms would further weaken the Republic alreay being fractured by by rising class division. The Marian reforms opened careers in the Army to the landless masses and the established a standing army. This would lead to an armies loyal to their commanders rather than the Senate/Republic. The conflict between Marius and Sulla in the next century would rachet up the violence in Roman politics even further.

Slave Rebellion

One of the results of Rome's military successes was the enslavement of the defeated armies and a portion of the defeated population. In the case ofCarthage, it was all of the surviving population. Theslave population, as a result increased (2nd century BC). A slave rebellion broke out in Sicily (104 BC).



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Created: 9:26 AM 1/28/2019
Last updated: 9:31 PM 1/28/2019