Zambia: Chronologies

Figure 1.--After World War II we begin to see more and more boys throughout Africa, including Zambia wearing Western clothing. The photo was taken in Mweke, Zambia, probably during the 1950s. One of the boys wears western style clothing. The clothing of the other children show previous stages of the spread of children clothing: the loincloth and a cloth wrapped around the waist.

We do not yet have much chronologica information on Zambian clothing, incluing boys' clothing. As far as we know there is no inforatin t alluntil modern times. The Arabs were the first literate pople to reach ht is now Zambia. But as far as we know there was not a lot of Arab intrest in ethnographic studies. Tey set up trding posts along the coast. The Portuguese were the first Eyropeans to enter the India Ocean. But here interest in Africa was limited. There orimary interest was trade with India andd China. Arabs penetrated into the interior on trading and slave hunting expeditions. Europens did not follow until much later (mid-19th century) and the scrable for Africa (late-19th cebtury). Until this time, there was no Europen fashion impact on Zambia. And for the most part, European fashion did not have a major impact on Zambia until after World War II.


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Created: 10:40 PM 1/10/2018
Last updated: 10:40 PM 1/10/2018