*** Belgian boys clothes: garments -- suits costumes belges de garçons double-breasted jackets

Belgian Boys Suits: Double-breasted Jackets

Belgian boys suits
Figure 1.-- This Belgian boy in 1925 looks to be about 13 years old. He wears a double breasted suit jacket with a vest. The trousers sxhow the transition from knee pants to short pants. He also wears long stockings and high-top shoes. Click on the image for a more detailed discussion.

We note Belgian boys wearing both single and double breasted suits. I'm not entirely sure when they first aopeared, but they were a popular style in the 1920s after World War I. Double-breasted suits seemed to have been most common in the inter-War period during the 1920s and 30s and into the 1940s. They begin to go out of style in the 1950s when single-breasted jackets begin to dominate. We note suits both with and without vests. They were made with a variety of trosers, including knee pants, short pants, and long pants as well as knickers. Wenote them in a variety of colors and material. They were done in sizes for school age boys although they were less common for the yonger boys in primary school. The double-breasted suit had somewhat of a formal, more mature look. It was widely worn by mean at the time.


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Created: 4:17 AM 1/15/2008
Last updated: 4:17 AM 1/15/2008