Unidentified Belgian Boy (1925)

Figure 1.-- This Belgian boy in 1925 looks to be about 13 years old. He wears a double breasted suit jacket with a vest. The trousers show the transition from knee pants to short pants. He also wears long stockings and high-top shoes.

This Belgian boy in 1925 looks to be about 13 years old. He wears a double breasted suit jacket with a vest. It looks to be a flannel suit. Note thare is no sharp crease in the trousers. The trousers show the transition from knee pants to short pants. They are knee length, but without the ornmental buttons. The boy also wears long stockings and high-top shoes. The stockings appea to be black. The hightop shoes appear to be laceup shoes. A reader writes, " Very interesting illustrations of short trousers in 1925. At least I assume they would be called shorts as there are no ornamental buttons. The suit seems very roomy. Mother probably bought a large seize yo allow for the boy's future growth. One of the things I've noticed is that long stockings are more common in Belgium than in France. Is this perhaps because of the Flemish influence--closer to German traditions?" This may well be the case. There may also be differences within Belgium among Flemish and Waloon families. This we are not yet sure of.


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Created: 4:17 AM 1/15/2008
Last updated: 4:17 AM 1/15/2008