Breuitelle Family: Younger Children (Easter 1950)

Figure 1.-- Based on the outfits we would guess it was Easter 1950. The boy looks to be about 3 years old anf his little sister about 2 years old. The boy wears a fancy romper suit with matching jacket. We're not sure about the color, probably light blue. The little girl wears a ruffled dress. Both were probably made by mother.

Here we see the Breuitelle family in 1950. We know nothing about the family, but based on the size we would say they probanly are a devout Catholic family, likely living in a rural area. We note a snapshot of two of the youngr children a few months earlier which would mean the late 1949s or early 50. Based on the outfits we would guess it was Easter 1950. The sandals without shoes suggest the family lived in southern France..


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Counter set: 1:32 AM 7/31/2007
Last updated: 1:33 AM 7/31/2007