Hungarian Boys Clothes: Headwear--Army Caps

Figure 1.--This postcard back portrait of two brothers was taken in 1917 during World War I. The older brother wears an Austro-Hungarian Army cap. The studio was in Karcag, a small town in central Hungary. We are guessing the portait was sent to their father at the front. Click on the card to see the message on the back.

The only destinctive Hungarian boys' headwear we have found is a Hungarian Army cap we first note in World War I. We are sure about the origins, but it has some similarity to the Scottish Glengary. The French camp up with a similar cap which the Americans adopted as the overseas cap and ten became the garrison cap when the americans returned home. The Hungarian cap was different, but similar. We see the Italians with a nearly identical cap. Some boys wore them because they liked the military look, but they were not made for boys. The exception was the Hungarian Boy cout cap. Th Scouts used the Army cap as the official Scout cap.


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Created: 1:39 AM 3/31/2017
Last updated: 1:39 AM 3/31/2017