Hungarian Sailor Suits: Age Trends

Fgure 1.--This unidentifie Hungrin boy wears a traditional salor suit, we think about 1930. It hs four-stripe styling and a stiped dickey. His hair is done in page-boy bangs. He looks to be anout 4 years old.

We do not yet have enough information on Hungary to develop an assessment of age conventions for sailor suits. Our preliminary assessment is that conventions in Hungary were similar to those in Germany and Austria. For several centuries Hungary was ruled by the Hapsburgs in association with Austria. Thus nany of the same militry traditions were at play. That does not mean that they were identical, but thee were many similarities. Our limited Hungarian archive makes this difficult to assess. we nnote boys of a wide age range wearing sailor suitsfrom pre-school boy to younger teens, basically the same pattern we see in Germany and Austria. Here we see a oreschool boy about 4 years old wearing a traitional sailor suit about 1930 (figure 1). Of course the age conventions have varied over time.


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Created: 1:15 AM 11/22/2016
Last updated: 1:15 AM 11/22/2016