Pakistani Radicalism and Support of Terrorism: Tiger Leather Goods

Figure 1.--

HBC readers hve expressed an amzement of level of radicalism and misinformation prevalent in Pakistan. Part of the reason for this is the limits of open debate. Individiduals who dare to question the prevailing wisdom are subject to physical attacks, charges of disloyalty or even worse blasfemy, and arrest and persecution under the country's blasfemy laws. Remember that these are business people who you would have thought are some if the best educated and informed people in the country with some knowledge of the outside world.We thought that readers might find interesting the ensuing discussion with the owner of the Tiger Leather Company.

Tiger Leather Comments

After reading your kind e-mail I’ve realized that you and your staff stand among those people who generate these terrorist activities so obviously you would prefer working with your terrorist mates. What about those innocent people and children being killed everyday in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan because of drone attacks? Do you not feel sorry for those children how don’t even know themselves why they are being killed at the age when they are suppose to be attending school? Perhaps you might not feel sorry because they don’t have a white skin, or they are not christens, or maybe because they don’t belong to the US.

E-mail message from Mr. Zaigham Shahzad from Tiger Leather Company, July 28, 2012.

HBC Response

It is people like you who are racists. America has tried to help Muslims around the world. Where are your tears for the Africans being killed in Darfur by Arabs. A million dead, but you bring up Palestine and drone killing involving small numbers because they are Muslims. I committed my first act of civil disobedience when I was 10 years old. I was with a Jewish friend and we helped our black friend. If you don't like drones, stop supporting terrorists. And as you don't like Americans, kindly direct your business inquiries else where. Tragically you and other Pakistanis don't understand that your support of terrorism and intolerance is the reason you are both poor and ignorant. What has your country provided to the modern world? What have you invented? What medicines have you created? You live in ignorance and intolerance and depend on America and the West for modern technology. We create the medicines that save your children and you repay us by promoting terrorism.


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Created: 12:32 AM 7/30/2012
Last updated: 12:32 AM 7/30/2012