Unidentified Portland Family (probably 1895-96)

Figure 1.-- This cabinet card portrait shows two unidentified women, who we are guessing were sisters. Nitice how similar the dresses ere, alneit with different fabric patterns. The woman on the boy's left was probably his mother. We are guessing that he was about 5 years old. He has ringlet curls, no doubt lovingly dome by mother. He wears a classsic Fauntleroy suit. Notice the ruffled collr and matching sleeve cuffs. The portait is undated, but the long baloon sleeves suggest the mid-1890s, we would guess about 1895-96. The baloon sleeves began earlier, but reached their peak about 1895-96. This is perhaps the most easily dated dress style. This is confirmed by the card pinking with smooth corners. The studio is Hayes in Portland Oregon.

This cabinet card portrait shows two unidentified women, who we are guessing were sisters. Notice how similar the cut of the ladies' dresses are, albeit with different fabric patterns. The woman on the boy's left was probably his mother. We are guessing that he was about 5 years old. He has ringlet curls, no doubt lovingly dome by mother. He wears a classsic Fauntleroy suit. Notice the ruffled collr and matching sleeve cuffs. The portait is undated, but the long baloon sleeves suggest the mid-1890s, we would guess about 1895-96. The baloon sleeves began earlier, but reached their peak about 1895-96. This is perhaps the most easily dated dress style. This is confirmed by the card pinking with smooth corners. The studio is Hayes in Portland Oregon.


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Created: 1:01 AM 6/24/2017
Last updated: 1:01 AM 6/24/2017