This cabinet card portrait shows a small, young family from Erie, Pennsylvania. The portrait is undated, but we believe that it was taken in the early-1890s. It was one of these mounts with serrated edges and straight corners meaning 1888-95. The family has two boys they look to be about 5-8 years old. They both have Eton collars and small floppy bows, but differen suits. The younger boy wears what looks like a blouse kilt suit. Notice the double row of buttons or it could be an unusual jacket. His older brother wears a collar-buttoning jacket. Mother is primly dressed with a tightly cut bodice and a long flowing skirt. Father wears a well-cut suit ]acket and wing collar. Notice how nicely posed they are. It is difficult to know if this is all the photograhers work or family dynamics at play.
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