Steps in Getting Dressed--John's Underwear, 1910s

Figure 1.-- John who was 12 years old wears a sleeveless waist union suit with short legs. Union suits were the most common type of underwear for children. There were undershirts and ankle-length drawers, but union suits were still more common. Put your cursor on the image for a back view.

John who was 12 years old wears a sleeveless waist union suit with short legs. Union suits were the most common type of underwear for children. There were undershirts and ankle-length drawers, but union suits were still more common. I'm not sure how the use of these separate garments varied by age. The ankle length legs were common because boys John's age wore knickers and knickers wih long-leg union suits could look unsightly, although they were worn in really cold weather. Also some boys went barefoot and it would look unsightly to wear long-leg union suits with knickers or knee pants. The sleveless top is a summer style. John's suit buttoned up the front. Note the tapes or reinforcement straps running down from the shoulders and arm hole. These were to support hose supporters and trousers. Mothers could sew buttons on these tape and they would wear better than if sewn on the fabric which was much weaker. There are also loops over each hip so that hose supporters for long stockings can be fastened on by means of safety-pins. Younger boys might wear socks during the summer, but boys 12 or 13 years old would be expected to wear stockings even during the summer. Long black stockings were very common in the 1910s for both boys and girls. Boys a little older than John. would wear unionsuits without these tapes. This is because they would wear long trousers or separate skeleton waists. John's unionsuit has were rather close-fitting. Others had a loose fit. As it is a summer suit, it is done in a light-weight cotton knit. There is a three-button drop seat in the rear.



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Created: 5:30 PM 7/2/2007
Last updated: 5:30 PM 7/2/2007