New Zealand Schools E-Book Introduction: Similarities

Figure 1.--Although the uniforms may identify New Zealand schools, for the most part classroom scenes in New Zealand are not unlike American and British classrooms. 

In many ways New Zealands schools are not unlike schools in other English-speaking democracies. The New Zealand curriculum has been strongly influenced by the British curriculum and for the most part students and teachers coming to New Zealand will easily adjust. American curriculum has also had some influence. In particular the extensive avaiabiity of American teaching materials have been influential. American students and teachers also for the most part easily adjust to New Zealand, although students may have to get used to the uniforms. Except for the uniforms, New Zealand classrooms look much like classrooms in America and Britain. The common European heritage of most New Zealanders also make New Zealand stidents look much like Americans and British students, although America is becoming much more diverse.


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