Photo Pages: Sports

Figure 1.-- 

New Zealanders love their sport. There are few countries in which sport is more popular than in New Zealand. Besides the popularity of support, the level of participation is particularly notable. Rugby of course has pride of place aong sports in New Zealand, but schools offer widely varried sport opportunities. Most schools have sports programs that encourage participation by as many students as possible rather than for a small number of the most talented. We have sought in these pages to show New Zealand students engaged in informal games or at practices rather than formal inter-school games. This is what the children look like on normal school days as they enjoy their sport.


Children of course enjoy sports and they are an imporant recreational activity. Sport is, however, seen as much more than recreation in New Zealand schools.


Sport is often seen as an activity which benefits our young men through its contribution to the development of physical fitness; co-ordination; self-discipline; team spirit and team work; a balance of co-operation and competition; and character. Our School -- from its beginnings as a leaning institution based very much on English Public and Grammar School models -- has always been seen as one of its foundations.

Grame Ash, "The school we magnify," (1991). Christchurch Boys High School


New Zealanders love their sport. New Zealand's mild climate lends itself to outdoor activity year found. There are few countries in which sport is more popular than in New Zealand. Besides the popularity of support, the level of participation is particularly notable. Most schools have sports programs that encourage participation by as many students as possible rather than for a small number of the most talented. The school publications commonly include reports on large numbers of teams for every sport. We have sought in these pages to show New Zealand students engaged in informal games or at practices rather than formal inter-school games. This is what the children look like on normal school days as they enjoy their sport.

Individual Sports

New Zealand schoolds give considerable emphasis to sports. A wide range of individual sports are persued at New Zealand Schools. Rugby of course has pride of place among sports in New Zealand, but schools offer widely varried sport opportunities to the students. The level ans size of the school affects what can be offered..


New Zealand school magazines and annuals give consderable attention to sports and the results achieved by the many different teams. And given the sports policies promoting participation, each school has a very large number of teams. The coverage includes many accounts of particular competions.


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