Photo Essays: Periodicals

Figure 1.-- Here we wee a boy reading a motorcycle magazine in his form room in the afternoon after classess. Car and motocycle magazines were very popular. 

The children also read a variety of periodicals, both magazines and newspapers. Magazines are available in the library. Soe boys may bring magazines from home. Newspapers are also available even in the library or at central locations in the main building. Motorcycle and car magazzines seemed very popular among the boys. Sports magazines were another favorite. Often the older boys brgan to show an interest in newspapers. Some boys were primarily interested in the sports section. Sports are strongly promoted in most prep schools. Thus there is considrable interest in major sports events beyond the football (soccer) leagues that is standard throughout Britain. . , but other boys showed an interest in current affairs, an interest which many schools promote in class discussions and mandatory listening to the TV evening news.


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