Photo Essays: Going Home: Transport

Figure 1.-- A few children walk or ride bikes. These children my have stops on the way hope such as the local sweet shop (candy store) if they are lucky enough to have one on the way home. Here a corner grocery will do. Funny thing here, this boy's buttons are the wring way around. He may have an older sister at the school. 

The mode of transport to get home is quite varies just as getting to school in the morning. Usually the transport is the same as the children use to get to school in the morning. That means walking, bikes, family cars, school buses, nd public trahsport. There can be a little variation for the older children, byt mostly the children use the same transport as in the morning. The major difference is mums picking up the children when they have more than one child who have different leaving times. A few children walk or ride bikes. These children my have stops on the way hope such as the local sweet shop (candy store) if they are lucky enough to have one on the way home. Here a cornr grocery will do. The more academically inclined may stop by the library. Or a stop at a park to play a little football. This is proibably more common for boys at state schools. Although most mums want the children to come home first to change out of their uniforms. Other children take busses or trans which is cmmon at day schools. There is often a line of vehicles with mothers waiting to pick of the children who are driven to school. Here some times the school has to do a little management of the mums. Boarding schools may have small busses for the day children.


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